CF-Plus Advanced

Product Code: 100
Availability: In Stock

Price: $95.00

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This product is on backorder until October. We are happy to accept your order and mail you the product when we have it back in stock or you can order CF+ Small Breed and adjust the dosage for your dog.

Improved ICSB product developed and tested for the canine. The active ingredients are extracts of green lipped mussel, alfalfa, brewer’s yeast and select amino acids. This combination appears to improve sperm quality and quantity, decrease immature sperm cells, and improve sperm morphology. In addition, this product has been used successfully for treating arthritis.

450 tablets

Marcie Boomsliter on 09-25-2021 08:10 AM
Adding this product to my dog’s daily diet improving his collection to 90% or better motility. This has given his breedings great success. Now we are placing all our boys on this supplement. We are also going to try to see if this supplement will help our elderly arthritic dog to move easier.
Belle Vista Schnauzers on 02-05-2024 04:23 PM
I'm using ICSB's CF-Plus Advanced and Glycoflex 3. My 12 year old boy just had a very good semen analysis (87% normal, 90% motility, 160 million/ml) and sired a litter of 7. I never had an analysis done prior to supplements so don't know if that is the cause but you bet he'll be on them for as long as I hope to use him!
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