ICSB Atlanta is owned and operated by Kathryn Roberts. Kathryn started the business in 2010 and has been the driving force behind its steady growth over the past 10+ years. As a breeder and owner, Kathryn is in touch with the demands and requests of ICSB clients. She began showing dogs in 1990 and is a successful owner, breeder, and handler of champion Bullmastiffs, German Shepherds, and Brussels Griffons. She is a member of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America, American Brussels Griffon Association, The American Bullmastiff Association, and is currently active on the show circuit with her dogs. She is a licensed AKC judge as well as a previous owner of a mobile grooming business.
Kathryn studied directly under Dr. Platz, who founded the ICSB organization in 1971 and is currently the Director of Research and Operations. To ensure access to the best veterinary theriogenology, Kathryn works closely with Dr. Ana Adams, DVM, MS, Diplomate, and ACT of Hamby Road Animal Hospital in Alpharetta, Georgia.
What is ICSB?
International Canine Semen Bank is a company established in 1980 to provide a program of canine semen preservation and the successful use of frozen canine semen. Our research in canine reproduction began in 1971 after our laboratory produced the first puppies from frozen semen. Our research continues to improve our procedures and products.

Why ICSB Atlanta?
We’re dedicated to having the equipment and team to make semen preservation possible. We have worked hard for:
- State of the art equipment, including large monitors for our microscopes where you can view your dog’s collection results.
- Entrusted, long-term employees who are knowledgeable, skilled, and dependable.
- An AKC approved freeze center.
- Inspections completed by the state Department of Agriculture.
- A central location between two major highways north of Atlanta in Canton, GA.
At ICSB Atlanta, we are dedicated to developing the skills and knowledge of each person on our team. Kathryn has completed all the classes of theriogenology available to her and maintains a current schedule of continuing education, attending the yearly Society of Theriogenology seminar with the entire ICSB Atlanta staff.
Information for Exhibitor Shows
ICSB is available to provide a service clinic to show-giving clubs in almost all states. The AKC encourages clubs to provide services for exhibitors’ dogs. We have been inspected by the AKC at shows and are approved to offer these services. We can bring our mobile laboratory to your show grounds for canine semen collection, evaluation, a breeding/reproduction consultation by our staff, and referral service for dog breeders in need of veterinarians in their area. A mini-seminar for veterinarians, exhibitors, dog breeders, and club members can be arranged during show weekends on a limited basis.
What can ICSB do for your club?
- Donates a portion of our income from the show(s) to your club.
- Provides catalogue bookmarks at no cost to your club.
- Includes your show on our circuit list, which is sent to clients and exhibitors.
- Supplies the highest quality service available for semen preservation.
- Increases participation at the shows by increasing exhibitor entries.
- Provides a camera-ready premium list announcement.
ICSB asks the following of the cluster or show committee. Please:
- Announce our clinic on your premium list.
- Have 110-volt access available in which we can set up our mobile laboratory (during good weather we can set up outside in our mobile lab if necessary).
- Send us the premium list and show schedule as they become available.
- Provide us with the name, address, and telephone number of the show chairman.

Kennel Visits
For the state of Georgia, we require 3 or more dogs. For all other states, we require 5 or more dogs for us to schedule a kennel visit. For both in and out of state kennel visits, the client must provide a female in season.
Dog Events
We perform services at:
- Health clinics
- AKC dog shows
- UKC dogs shows
- Coonhound events
- Field trials
- And more!
You can check out our calendar for a list of dog shows events. If you would like us to perform services at any of the above events, please contact us.